Pregnancy and Smoking: What Partners Need to Know
Ever notice how sometimes what you do or the way you think is impacted by others? The decisions we make around our health are no different - they are also influenced by other people in our lives. This pamphlet provides information to partners on how their decisions and habits can influence each other. Before you start to change your smoking, it’s important to understand how smoking is influenced by routines and habits.
Myths & Facts on Pregnancy & Tobacco Use
Growing Up... Time for an Open Cup Pamphlet
This pamphlet shares information about how and why to teach infants to drink from an open cup at 6 months of age. Drinking from an open beginning at 6 months helps infants with speech development, achieving a healthy weight and reduces the likelihood of cavities. Learning to drink with water helps infants develop health eating patterns and makes for easy clean up as they learn and spill.