Book & Early Literacy Resource Distribution Program
About the Program:
The main program of the Babies, Books and Bonding Action Team works to deliver books and other early literacy resources to young children and their families across northern Saskatchewan. This program was developed in 2007 and has seen a significant amount of growth over the years.
To help meet the needs of the population served, books and resources are chosen based on age appropriate content, as well as based on incorporation of culturally relevant content whenever possible.
Program Delivery:
The program is intended to target children ages 0-4years.
In order to reach as many children and families as possible the books and other literacy resources are distributed at child health clinics and immunization clinics across the north.
The current age groups served are: pre/post-natal, 6 month, 12 month, 18 month and 4 year.
Each child will receive one age appropriate book and associated resources per visit.
How to Order Books & Resources:
Need more books and resources? Click the form to download.
The number of books and resources provided are based off of the previous years’ total number of births in your community, as well as any materials you still have in stock.
50% (6 months) worth of materials are provided per order.
Currently this program is offered to both on and off reserve communities within the Northern Administrative District of Northern Saskatchewan.