2015-16 NHCP Annual Report Released

We are excited to share with you the 2015-16 Annual Reportof the Northern Healthy Communities Partnership (NHCP). The report highlights the progress and successes of the partnership, made possible through the contributions of each of our members and the partner organizations they represent.

By working to influence the conditions in which northern Saskatchewan residents live, learn, work and play, we are able to proactively improve the health of the populations we serve. Through collaborative, collective efforts NHCP partners are able to achieve a greater impact. On behalf of NHCP, we look forward to continuing to work in partnership, building healthier communities together.

Please share this annual report widely and feel free to direct any questions to us at nhcp@pophealthnorthsask.ca.

Kevin Mageto and Amanda Frain

Northern Heatlhy Communities Partnership Coordinators

Lesia Design Inc.

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