
About nhcp

Building healthier communities together

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Our goal is simple: Improve health outcomes in northern Saskatchewan.  The Northern Healthy Communities Partnership (NHCP) brings people and organizations together to create a network of experts that work together to improve the health of northern Saskatchewan residents.

As part of NHCP, professionals from across Saskatchewan develop connections, motivation and specialized tools to help them be more effective in their everyday work. NHCP partner organizations are able to have a greater impact on the populations they serve through collaborative, collective efforts, achieving healthier communities together.



Meeting the unique needs of the North

The NCHP and its network of health professionals, educators, early childhood workers and researchers work proactively to improve the health of people who live, work and play in Saskatchewan’s north. We work collaboratively with the communities we serve to change conditions in northern Saskatchewan and provide residents with more opportunities to make healthy choices.

Our partner organizations, through the Core Group, jointly identify priority areas for action based on every day challenges that impact the health of northern Saskatchewan residents. NHCP Action Teams choose, plan, implement and evaluate strategies and projects that address the root causes of an identified issue and provide real world solutions.

We believe that by working together we can address the specific needs of northern Saskatchewan, remove barriers and empower residents to increase control over, and improve, their health. Our partner organizations agree. In 2020, an external evaluation of the partnership concluded that “NHCP members have realized value from their participation, including the ability to access knowledge and resources, build connections with other practitioners, and contribute to positive outcomes for both their organizations and the communities they serve.”



 NHCP Partner Organizations


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