The Babies, Books and Bonding Team of the NHCP is proud and excited to present the revision of our early literacy activity book geared towards age 4. Revisions include many additional activities including recipes, phonological awareness, scavenger hunt, card games and more! It has also been formatted into a printable booklet version. This activity book is an additional resource that is provided along with a new book to children aged 4 while at their routine child health clinic appointment. The resource can also be used by caregivers as well as other early literacy professionals as a tool for teaching young children.
This set of bookmark-style information cards provides information for parents on the importance of reading with their children and age appropriate tips for making reading an enjoyable part of a family's routine.
In 2018 the Babies, Books and Bonding team of the Northern Healthy Communities Partnership published “Are You Hungry”? a multilingual children’s board book available in Cree, Dene or Michif alongside English. Want to get your hands on a copy of the book? You can place an order by downloading the form and submitting to the NHCP Coordinator.
This order form was developed for the Babies, Books & Bonding Program for use by Health Care Professionals involved in the distribution of books provided at well-baby/immunization clinics within the Northern Administrative District of Northern Saskatchewan.
This resource is intended for Health Care Providers distributing books through the babies, books and bonding program at well-baby clinic in Northern Saskatchewan.
This resource was created for health care providers or other professionals that are distributing the book to provide an introduction to the Northern Book “Are You Hungry?”, as well as the history behind the project development. The resource also discusses the importance of early literacy and of traditional language knowledge, as well as educates on how to deliver the material to parents and techniques on vocabulary building for parents (how to read the book to build vocabulary and get the most engagement from your child).